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International Friendship --- I have found a new friend through your service

I have found a new friend through WorldFriends Networks

My name is Queenie. I have found a new friend through your service. Definitely, I may have many chances to find someone to talk to or listen to. So I'm so glad to have a good friend to share my feelings or ideas by sending emails to each other.


通过 WorldFriends Networks 我找到了新的朋友
您好!我的名字是Queenie 。通过您们的服务,我找到一个新朋友。在此有很多会员和我倾谈。我很高兴能透过电邮找到有一个能和我分享感觉及想法的好朋友。



Tags:  World Friends Networks,  Global Fellow,  International Friends,  国际交友,  跨国交友

Last Updated on Monday, 17 December 2018 15:23