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Home Practical Chinese Daily Figurative Slangs (29)
Daily Figurative Slangs (29)
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每日惯用语 (29)

【注音】jǐn gū zhòu
Originally from the classic novel “Pilgrimage to the West”, the Monkey King wears a golden hoop around his head, reading of this incantation by the monk will make the monkey suffer greatly so as to keep him under control. Now, it's used as a metaphor for inhibitions that give people headaches.

Ex.:The parents often use “you’ve got to enter a good college” to whip their son. Now that their son has already been a college student, but still feels headache at the mere mention of the words “entering college”.

Give the green light

【注音】kāi lǜ dēng
As the traffic regulation goes, red light is the sign for stop while green light is for go-ahead. Therefore, to give somebody green light is to give him special privilege.

Ex.:Mr.Sun, Director of the factory, shouted at his wife:“We should never use public car for private business. If I give you this privilege, how can I work as the director of the factory?”

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