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Home Travel in Heilongjiang Heilongjiang Province Travel Guide
Heilongjiang Province Travel Guide

Heilongjiang Province

Heilongjiang Province (hēi lóng jiāng shěng 黑龙江省) is called Hei (hēi 黑) for short, with Harbin as its provincial capital. With expanse of flatland and wide areas of fertile black soil, it is one of China's major commodity grain growers. Named after its largest river, its land area includes the country’s largest oil reserve. Lying in the northernmost part of northeast China, Heilongjiang Province is the province with the longest winters. And with the development of society, it has become now one of the well-known tourist destinations in China. There are a variety of special interest tours catering for tourists such as the ice and snow tour, the forest tour, the summer resort tour, and the border (between China and Russia) town tour.
the Map of HeilongjiangHeilongjiang Province is named after Heilong River - a grand river never polluted by industry. Heilong River is the third-largest river of the country, sourcing from the Greater Xing'an Mountain (dà xìng ān lǐng 大兴安岭) and traveling through the world-famous black soil belt, historically called the "black water" because of its dusty color. Heilongjiang Province covers an area of 454,000 square km with a population of over 38 million, having the Han nationality accounting for 95% of the total and other 48 minorities of the Manchu, Mongolian, Korea, Daur (dá wò ěr 达斡尔), etc harmoniously living together on the magical, rich land. It is China's important bases of equipment manufacture, raw materials, energy sources and commodity grain. Heilongjiang Province governs 13 cities (prefectures) and 64 counties (including country-level cities), and its capital is Harbin city. Harbin is an international modern metropolis with a great number of modernized enterprises & companies, as well as many universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Heilongjiang University.
the Old Time of HeilongjiangHeilongjiang was under the administration of Lingbei (lǐng běi 岭北) and Liaoyang (liáo yang 辽阳) Xingzhongshu Province (xíng zhōng shū shěng) during China's Yuan Dynasty (yuán dài 元代) (1271-1368) and belonged to the Nuchen (nǚ zhēn 女真) nationality in the Ming Dynasty (míng dài 明代) (1368-1644). The Province of Heilongjiang was set up in the Qing Dynasty (qīng dài 清代) (1644-1911) and has remained so until today. 
Large in area and rich in natural resources, Heilongjiang has a vast expanse of fertile land. As is commonly known, "half of its area is covered by mountains, one tenth by water, one tenth by grassland and three-tenths by arable land". In the old days, however, Heilongjiang was an uninhabited wilderness with abundant untapped resources. The Imperial Government of the Qing and later the Japanese aggressors sent in settlers and troops to develop the area but ended up in failure. Over the years, Heilongjiang Province was known as "the Vast Wilderness of the North". After the defeat of Japanese imperialism, the people of Heilongjiang started to the Modern Time of Heilongjiangrebuild their province upon the ruins brought by the war.
After the Japanese defeat in 1945, Soviet forces entered Manchuria and gave the Chinese communists control over most of the area. Heilongjiang became the first province to be completely controlled by the Chinese communists and Harbin the first major city to be controlled by them. From Manchuria, the communists were able to conduct the initial phases of the Chinese Civil War.
Heilongjiang has undergone tremendous changes since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. Several million hectares of farmland have been opened in the vast wilderness. Oilfield, many forestry towns, modern transportation network consisting of railway and highways has been built. Former "the Vast Wilderness of the North" has been turned into an important industrial and agricultural base of China.
Geography and Climate
the Green HeilongjiangHeilongjiang is a land of varied topography. It is higher in the northwest, north and the southeast, and lower in the northeast and southwest. The interior of the province, which is relatively flat and low in altitude, contains the Songhua River, the Nen River (nèn jiāng 嫩江), and the Mudan River (mǔ dān jiāng 牡丹江), all tributaries of the Amur. However, actually much of the province is dominated by mountain ranges. The famous Greater and Lesser Hinggan Mountains (xiǎo xìng ān lǐng 小兴安岭) are its major forest area.
Heilongjiang is subarctic in climate. Winters are long and frigid, with an average of -31 to -15°C in January, and summers are short and cool with an average of 18 to 23°C in July. The annual average rainfall is 500 to 600 mm, concentrated mostly in summer.
People and Culture
the Ethnic Groups in HeilongjiangHeilongjiang's culture is part of a culture of Northeast China that is relatively homogeneous across this region, known in Mandarin Chinese as the northeast region. Northeastern Mandarin retains elements from native Tungusic languages (tōng gǔ sī mǎn yǔ 通古斯满语), Japanese, and Russian and there are enough differences to give the dialect its own distinctive characteristics. The majority of Heilongjiang's population is Han Chinese. And with a population of over 36.8 million, there are about 35 ethical groups living in Heilongjiang. Among them the most characteristic ethical groups are Hezhe (hè zhé 赫哲) fishermen, Ewenki (è wēn kè 鄂温克)Hunters and Daur (dá wò ěr 达斡尔) ethnical group, who raises mainly cattle. Their life styles are very different from each others.
Ethnic Groups in Heilongjiang (2000 census)
Han Chinese
The Best Heilongjiang Attractions
Heilongjiang has rich tourist resources due to its extraordinary geographical feature and climate conditions. Harbin and Yabuli (yà bù lì 亚布力) are famous for snow activities. Jingpo Lake (jìng bó hú 镜泊湖) is the largest alpine barrier lake in China. Wudalianchi Lake (wǔ dà lián chí 五大连池) Scenic Area is also a famous nature reserve in China. There are many wonderful attractions in Heilongjiang Province the travelers could go.
The Capital of Heilongjiang Province: Harbin City
Harbin is a city both old and young and a place where oriental and occidental culture mingled with each other in perfect harmony. It is a dazzling oriental star with the torrential Songhua River around and vigorous body with a long history and it is called the "Oriental Paris". The best attractions here are such as the Harbin Sun Island Park, the Dragon Tower, Central Street, Yabuli International Ski Resort, and Jile Temple (jí lè sì 极乐寺) and so on.
 the North Part of Heilongjiang
In the north part of Heilongjiang: Yichun (yī chūn 伊春) City and Jiamushi (jiā mù sī 佳木斯) City
Due to the green treasury with diversity of natural resources, especially the water and forest resources, there are more national forest parks in the region and the wonderful scenery wouldn't let the travelers down. The best attractions here are Tangwanghe National Park(tāng wàng hé guó jiā gōng yuán 汤旺河国家公园), Hongxing Volcanic Geopark (hóng xīng huǒ shān dì zhì gōng yuán 红星火山地质公园), Wuying National Forest Park (wǔ yíng guó jiā sēn lín gōng yuán 五营国家森林公园), Maolan Valley Scenic Area (máo lán gōu zì rán fēng jǐng qū 茅兰沟自然风景区), Daliangzi River National Forest Park, and Tongjiang Jiejinkou The Hoche Tourist Area (tóng jiāng jiē jīn kǒu hè zhé zú lǚ yóu dù jiǎ qū 同江街津口赫哲族旅游度假区) and so on.
In the south park of Heilongjiang Province: Jixi (jī xī 鸡西) City and Mudanjiang (mǔ dān jiāng 牡丹江) City
This part has not only the perfect nature resources, but the meaningful cultural scenery. Visitors flock to marvel at sights such as the underground forest, volcanic craters, waterfalls and ancient buildings. The best attractions here are such as Khanka Lake, Zhenbao Island (zhēn bǎo dǎo 珍宝岛), Sandaoguan National Forest Park, Crater National Forest Park, Snow Castle, Hutou Fortress (hǔ tóu yào sāi 虎头要塞), Kirin Mountain Scenic Area (qí lín shān fēng jǐng qū 麒麟山风景区), and Guandi Temple (guān dì miào 关帝庙) and so on.
 the South and West Part of Heilongjiang
In the west part of Heilongjiang Province: Qiqihar City and Daqing (dà qìng 大庆) City
In this part, the colorful historical and cultural scenery will be attractive. Of course, the natural protection base is beautiful as well. The best attractions here are Memorial Hall of Iron-Man Comrade Wang Jinxi (tiě rén wáng jìn xǐ jì niàn guǎn 铁人王进喜纪念馆), Dangnai Wetland (dāng nài shī dì 珰奈湿地), Annular Lake (lián huán hú 连环湖), Mahayana Temple, Bright Moon Island (míng yuè dǎo 明月岛), Zhalong Natural Reserve (zhā lóng guó jiā jí zì rán bǎo hù qū 扎龙国家级自然保护区), the Bukui Mosque, and The Horse Race in Dorbod Mongol Autonomous County (dù ěr bó tè méng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn cǎo yuán sài mǎ 杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县草原赛马) and so on.

In the North part of Heilongjiang Province: Heihe (hēi hé 黑河) City and Mohe (mò hé 漠河) City
In the north region, due to cold weather, the perfect snow scenery and rime become the wonderful attractions to appeal visitors. The best attractions here are such as Wudalianchi Scenic (wǔ dà lián chí 五大连池), Aihui History Exhibition Hall (ài huī lì shǐ chén liè guǎn 瑷珲历史陈列馆), Woniu Lake (wò niú hú 卧牛湖), Fresh Orogen Nationality Township (xīn shēng è lún chūn míng zú xiāng 新生鄂伦春名族乡), and the Arctic Village and so on.
 the North Part of Heilongjiang
Eating in Heilongjiang Province
Heilongjiang food is part of the northeastern cooking tradition with many dishes originating from Manchu cuisine. The food here is influenced by the long winters and relies on preserved foods and hearty fare. The staple crop is wheat and not rice and more raw vegetables and fish than elsewhere in China are eaten here.
The most famous specialty from Heilongjiang is the fish banquet based on fish from Heilongjiang River. Mouth-watering dishes are made from a wide variety of ingredients ranging Local Food in Heilongjiangfrom fresh mountain vegetables, freshwater fish and shrimps, meat from game animals, and fowls.
Some of the famous dishes served in Heilongjiang, include Crystal Sugar and Snow Clams, Green Onions and Liaoning Sea Cucumbers, the deer's tail of clear soup (qīng tāng lù wěi
清汤鹿尾), Frying chum salmons (dòu bàn yuán zhī dà mǎ hā yú 豆瓣大马哈鱼), Cold noodles (lěng miàn 冷面), Eight Kinds of Fishes ( sān huā wǔ luó 三花五罗), Jingbo Lake Fish Feast (jìng bó hú yú yàn 镜泊湖鱼宴), Northeast Country style Cuisine (dōng běi nóng jiā fàn 东北农家饭), Harbin big bread (dà liě bā 大咧巴) and Snow Sausage and Stewed Spareribs and so on.
Pine Nut Litter StomachJingzi brand pine nut litter stomach (jīng zì pái sōng rén xiǎo dù 京字牌松仁小肚)
Meat products of Zhengyanglou (zhèng yáng lóu 正阳楼) of Harbin is unique flavor. Mainly render palatable with the fragrance of the pine nut, the color is overflowing in fragrance after cutting, fertile but not oiliness. Because of using the mug bean starch, therefore the transparency is good, delicate and whippy; it is thin and not breaking to pieces.
Address: Zhengyanglou (zhèng yáng lóu 正阳楼) Restaurant, No.252, Zhongshan (zhōng shān 中山) Road, Nangang (nán gǎng 南岗) District, Harbin
Tel: 0451-8260558
Laoding Feng CakeLaoding Feng Cake (lǎo dǐng fēng diǎn xīn 老鼎丰点心)
It is the famous cake of Harbin. The moon cake is the most famous, loose and favorable, fine and smooth soft, smell unique, and the characteristic of putting pensioning for a long time but perfume particularly.
Address: No.118, centre street, Dao Li (dào lǐ 道里) District, Harbin
Tel: 0451-88387182
Cold NoddlesCold noodles (lěng miàn 冷面)
Jixi cold noodles are most famous and popular food in Jixi city, Heilongjiang, China. It has a history of several decades and local residents will miss the cold noodles if they leave the city for several months. It is spicy, sour and salty.
Address: No.100, Xingguo (xìng guó 兴国) Road, Jixi (jī xī 鸡西)
Tel: 0467-2666288
Frying Chum SalmonsFrying Chum Salmons (dòu bàn yuán zhī dà mǎ hā yú 豆瓣大马哈鱼)
Frying the chum salmons and then stew it with thick broad-bean sauce.
Address: Huameixi Restaurant (huá méi xī cān tīng华梅西餐厅), No.112, centre street, Dao Li (dào lǐ 道里) District, Harbin
Tel: 0451- 86377756, 0451- 84619818
ContactEmergency numbers are:
Ambulance: 120
Fire: 119
Police: 110
Weather: 121
Phone number directory: 114
Tourist Complaint Hotline: 0451-87010055
Heilongjiang Entry-Exit Administration Division Department of Public Security: 0451-82696492
Heilongjiang Municipal Government Tourism Bureau: 0451-85978600
A road and highway proposal was accepted in 2006; the project plans to develop 38,000 Night View of Heilongjiangkilometers of new roads and expand Heilongjiang’s total road network to 2.3 million kilometers.
There are 60 rail lines of around 5,300 kilometers including a section of the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge. Construction of an RMB 92.3 billion passenger-only railway line running from Harbin-Dalian began in August 2007. The railway will stretch from Harbin, Heilongjiang’s capital, to Dalian in Liaoning province via Changchun and Shenyang comprising 23 stops. It is expected to transport 37 million passengers per year by 2020 and 51 million by 2030.
Major airports include Harbin International Airport, Qiqihar Airport, Mudanjiang Airport, Jiamusi Airport and Heihe Airport. Harbin International Airport is capable of handling six million Harbin Taiping Airportpassengers every year and connects to over 40 domestic and international cities.
By air:
Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang and is the starting point for any travelers in the province. Harbin Taiping (tài ping 太平) International Airport is the second largest airport in the northeast, with connections to most major cities in China, and also some destinations in Russia, Korea and Japan. For detailed information about transport, please refer to Harbin Transport. There are an additional three airports in Heilongjiang, namely Qiqihar, Mudanjiang and Jiamusi, with flights to some of the major cities across the country.
By Train:
Heilongjiang Province was one of the first provinces to have its own railway system, first built by the Russians at the end of the last century. Today, travelers can reach Moscow and other Water Transportation in HeilongjiangRussian cities from here. The major stop is in Harbin, for details on trains to and from Harbin and trains into Siberia and Russian, please refer to the Harbin Transport section. Train is definitely the easiest and most comfortable way to get around the province and the entire Northeast region.
By Bus:
There are currently seven highways in Heilongjiang, although the majority of roads here are in very poor condition and train is by far the most comfortable way to travel, wherever possible. An expressway links Daqing (dà qìng 大庆), Harbin, Mudanjiang, and Suifenhe (suí fēn hé 绥芬河). By the year 2001, expressways should link Harbin to Beijing.
Beautiful Heilongjiang Province


Last Updated on Friday, 26 November 2010 17:41