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Home Travel in Hubei Jiugong Mountain
Jiugong Mountain

          Jiugong Mountain
Jiugong Mountain
(jiǔ gōng shān 九宫山) is located in Tongshan (tōng shān 通山), which is a county within a Municipality of Xianning (xián níng 咸宁), along Hubei’s mountainous south-eastern border with Jiangxi (jiāng xī 江西). It extends for hundreds of miles and covers 210 square kilometers. It is named after the nine sons of the Wang’s in Jin’an (jìn'ān 晋安) built nine palaces in the mountain and became one of the five Bodhimandalas (dào chǎng 道场) when the famous Taoist Zhang Daoqing (zhāng dào qìng 张道庆) in Southern Song Dynasty (nán sòng 南宋) opened up a Bodhimandala there. Its nuclear scenery is made up of three parts, Jiugong Mountain Town, forest park (nature reserve) and King Chuang’s Tomb (chuǎng wáng líng 闯王陵). Jiugong Mountain is one of the six national scenic area in Hubei province. It is of the delicate side as southern mountains, but also has the features of northern ridge mountains, such as grand, dangerous, extraordinary, quiet and elegant.

Li ZichengKing Chuang’s Tomb
King Chuang’s Tomb (chuǎng wáng líng 闯王陵) covers the area of 200 mu, only 3 kilometers away from the protected areas. King Chuang, named Li Zicheng, was the leader of the peasant rebellion at the end of the Ming Dynasty. He enforced strict military discipline, punished officials guilty of crimes and corruption, and paid much attention to the people's welfare. In 1645, Li Zicheng was killed in battle at Jiugong Mountain. Therefrom, Jiugong Mountain has became famous. The King Chuang’s Tomb is the only existed tomb of the peasant rebellion leader in history. The main buildings at King Chuang’s Tomb are Gatehouse (mén lóu 门楼), Tomb (mú zhǒng 墓冢) and the Pavilion (jì tái 祭台).

Zhenjun Stone TempleZhenjun Stone Temple
Located at the top of Phoenix Hill (fèng huáng shān 凤凰山) in the Cloud Lake (yún zhōng hú 云中湖), facing to Xianglu Mountain (xiānglúshān 香炉山), Zhenjun Stone Temple (zhēn jún shí diàn 真君石殿) has existed for more than 780 years, and also the only preserved ancient architecture of Jiugong, it had been named by six emperor, the body of famous Taoist Zhang Daoqing  was preserved here for 680 years but not rot, but was destroyed in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (tài píng tiān guó 太平天国).

Dayatou Waterfall
Dayatou Waterfall (dà yá tóu fēi pù 大崖头飞瀑)has a drop of more than 400 meters. It is the waterfall which has the largest drop in China. Dayatou Waterfall has the fantastic view similar to that of a waterfall flying down straight from the heaven. It can match with Niagara Falls in America.

Dayatou WaterfallStone Dragon Ditch
Stone Dragon Ditch (shí lóng gōu 石龙沟) located in north of Jiugong Mountain with 7 kilometers long,is one of the major scenic spot of Jiugong Mountain. It’s composed by more than 10,000 stone steps. It is also a primeval forest zone, divided to top and bottom parts, and was well-known as "The treasure of Jiugongshan".

Stone Dragon DitchJiugong Mountain Delicacy

Jiugong catering has its own characters, fresh, natural, and the main ingredients are wild vegetables. It is a great pleasure for the people who has lived in urban area to enjoy wild vegetables on the mountain. The delicacies made from bamboo are especially characteristic. Roasting meat with bamboo shoot, soup of dried bamboo shoot, boiled rice in bamboo tube, and steamed vegetables in bamboo tube are appetitive . Delicacies in moutainous area are more seasoned. Dried cowpeas, wild bracken, small dried fish, dried turnip, and lobster sauce will be appetiting for the tourists who has climbed the mountain and sweating.

Jiugong Mountain National Park
Location: Southeast of Tongshan County, 178km from Wuhan City.
Admission fee: RMB 50
Opening hours: 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
There are two regular buses each day at Xinhua Road (xīn huá lù 新华路) long-distance bus station, Wuhan. One is at 7:30 a.m. and the other is at 12:30 a.m. The ticket is RMB 20 .The bus runs every half hour from Tongshan county to Jiugong Mountain. The ticket is RMB 13. 


Other Imformation:
There are three seasons in a day in Jiugong Mountain. The weather is different from that of two miles away. It may change from a sunny day to a foggy one in a few moments. At this end, the warblers and butterflies are singing and dancing; while at the other end, it is drizzling.