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Yanbian University
Colleges and Universities

Yanbian University was founded in March,1949. It is a local comprehensive university with national characteristics and a key university in Jilin Province. In December, it was approved by the State Department of " 211 Project " to be one of a hundred universities for Chinese major investments of the 21st century. 

Now Yanbian University offers eleven programs of Economics, Philosophy, Law, Pedagogy, Literature, History, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Management and etc. It consists of 12 colleges which offer 63 programs for Bachelor´s degree, 48 programs for the master´s degree, 4 programs for the doctor´s degree with 1 of them national key disciplines, 8 of them provincial key disciplines and 2 of them provincial key constructive disciplines, 4 scientific research institutes and 19 scientific research sections directly under the university and 32 science research institutes combined with departments such as the North-east Asia Research Institute, the Research Institute of Ethnical Issue, the Research Institute of Protection and Exploitation of Changbai Mountain´s Natural Resources and etc. 

Now Yanbian University has 16,413 students,including 10,599 undergraduates,712 postgraduates,44 doctoral candidates,384 foreign students and 4,674 adult students. At present,the university employs 1462 full-time teachers of whom 156 are professors,396 are associate professors and 211 are Master´s supervisors and 12 Doctorate supervisors. In addition,the university has invited more than 200 famous experts and scholars from home and abroad to be honorary professors,part-time professors,or guest professors. Since its foundation in 1949,Yanbian University has trained 62,000 talents in a variety of fields.

延边大学地处有“教育之乡”美誉的吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州首府延吉市,是一所具有鲜明民族特色的综合性大学,是国家“211 工程”重点建设大学、西部开发重点建设院校、吉林省和教育部共同重点支持建设大学。建校以来,学校始终得到了党和国家的亲切关怀。周恩来总理、朱德委员 长、董必武代主席等老一辈领导人以及胡耀邦、江泽民、贾庆林、李岚清等党和国家领导人都曾亲临学校视察工作并题词,为学校的发展指明了方向。


学校现设有19 个学院,拥有10大学科门类的67个本科专业,现有7个国家级特色专业、3个省级特色专业。拥有1个博士后流动站,8个博士学位授权点,78个硕士学位授 权点,4个专业硕士授权点。涵盖了理、工、农、医、文、史、经、法等11大学科门类。拥有1个国家级重点学科,12个省级重点学科。学校拥有全日制在校学生19485人,其中博士生143人、硕士生2923人、本科生15165人、专科生469人、留学生419人、预科生198人,成人脱产班学生及进修生146人。

The Chinese Language and Culture College was founded in April of 2000, stemmed from Chinese Department which has 50 years´ history of Chinese language teaching and study . At present it has some sections of Chinese Language and study . At present it has some sections of Chinese Language and Graphonomy , Chinese Teaching and Study Center for Foreigners , Chinese Educati on Base andEditorial Board in the College. The master course of Chinese Language and Grophonomy was one of the earliest courses approved by State Council, striving for doctoral degree actively at the moment. The Chinese Language and Graphonomy is the only key subject in Jilin Province in this field and the is the exclusive modern Chinese periodical in the state, putting on sale in 30 countries and regions as a core periodical in human and social science. 6 full professors, 13 associate professors, 16 lecturers and 7 assistant fellows , among them 3 Ph. D., 14 M. A. and 3 on the course of Ph. D., work on their different areas. The college has about 150 domestic students and 100 foreign students . The undergraduate and master courses recruit students in domestic and foreign countries, using bilingual in Chinese and Korean in teaching. The graduates have distinct superiority in employment, mostly distributed in the northern part of China. Some students entered key universities internal or external for their further study of Ph. D. or M. A. courses. The college has been the important base of Chinese teaching and study not only for foreigners but also for Chinese minorities. The college faces the new century´s coming with full vigor.


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