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Home Living in China Study in China China Universities Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Colleges and Universities

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was established in October, 1952. It is located in Nanjing, the ancient capital of six dynasties. Minggugong Campus is situated on the remains of the ancient Ming Palace, and Jiangjunlu Campus is situated in Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering an area of more than 460 acres with a building floor space of 800, 000 square meters. The library has a collection of over 2, 000, 000 volumes. Now the total number of registered students is 24, 600, including 15, 600 undergraduates, 6, 000 postgraduates, and 200 international students. NUAA also has 5, 200 part-time students. NUAA has a staff of 2, 900, among whom over 1, 700 are faculty members and researchers, including about 1000 professors and associate professors, 10 CAS academicians, 199 Ph.D. supervisors, 3 members of Academic Degree Committee under the State Council, 3 "Changjiang Scholar Award" professors, 26 professors with national or provincial recognition for their outstanding contributions, 136 experts who enjoy special government allowance.

南京航空航天大学创建于 1952 年 10 月,座落于六朝古都南京。目前有两校区,明故宫校区位于明代故宫遗址,将军路校区位于南京江宁经济技术开发区。总占地面积 2800 余亩,建筑面积 80 余万平方米,馆藏文献200余万册。现有全日制在校生24600余人,其中本科生15600余人,研究生6000余人,留学生近200余人。另有成人教育学生5200余人。教职工2900余人,其中教学科研人员1700多人,教授、副教授近1000人,博士生导师199人,院士及双聘院士10人,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员3人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授3人,国家级、省部级有突出贡献专家26人,享受政府特殊津贴专家 136人。

南航建校 55 年来,实现了三次大的历史性跨越,完成了从教学型大学到教学科研型大学的转变,已经成为一所以工科为主,工、管、理、经、文、法、哲、教等多学科门类协调发展,具有航空、航天、民航特色,国家“211工程”建设的全国重点大学,是全国52 所设立研究生院的大学之一。

ADD:29 Yudao St.,Nanjing 210016,China   TEL: 86-25-84892440
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