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Home Living in China Study in China China Universities Dalian University of Technology
Dalian University of Technology
Colleges and Universities

Dalian University of Technology (DUT) is located in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian, in northeastern China's Liaoning Province. It is one of the key universities under the direct leadership of the State Ministry of Education. The campus is green, shady and peaceful. Many state leaders have visited the university and enjoyed its beauty.

Having experienced the severe trials of over half a century, and having gone through the persistent efforts of several generations, DUT has developed into a comprehensive university of science and technology. Engineering is DUT's main concentration, with other departments including applied sciences and economic management sciences, as well as humanities disciplines, which include the social sciences and law. 

Having experienced the severe trials of over half a century, and having gone through the persistent efforts of several generations, DUT has developed into a comprehensive university of science and technology. Engineering is DUT's main concentration, with other departments including applied sciences and economic management sciences, as well as humanities disciplines, which include the social sciences and law. 

DUT enjoys a good reputation for its rigid management and its good environment for study.The school is known for its motto: "Unity, Enterprise, Realism and Originality". DUT has fostered and trained more than 100,000 men and women of various professions, who are widely welcomed throughout the society.

With the support of "the 985 Project" and "the 211 Project", bringing forth the spirit of innovation, DUT is engaged in grasping the historic opportunity of rejuvenating the old northeastern industrial base, and carrying out a talent-training strategy in the hope of building DUT into a world-famous and research-oriented university.

大连理工大学1949 年 4 月建校,时为大连大学工学院;1950 年 7 月大连大学建制撤销,大连大学工学院独立为大连工学院; 1960 年被确定为教育部直属全国重点大学; 1986 年设研究生院; 1988 年更名为大连理工大学; 1996 年 ~ 2000 年实施“九五”“211 工程” 建设,教育部、辽宁省、大连市共建大连理工大学; 2001 年 ~ 2003 年,教育部、辽宁省、大连市重点共建大连理工大学, 实施 “985 工程”一期建设; 2003 年 ~ 2005 年实施“十五”“211 工程” 建设; 2003 年12 月被中央确定为中管干部学校; 2004 年开始实施“985 工程”二期建设,教育部、辽宁省、大连市继续重点共建大连理工大学。

学校现有教职工 3598 人,其中专任教师 2025 人,包括中国科学院和中国工程院院士 10 人,双聘院士13人,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员 10 人,长江学者奖励计划特聘教授 12 人,讲座教授 6 人,陈嘉庚技术科学奖获得者 2 人,何梁何利奖获得者 3 人,国家杰出青年基金获得者 30 人,百千万人才工程国家级人选 9 人,教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金获得者 18 人,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者 54 人,高等学校青年教师教学科研奖励基金获得者 3 人,全国高等学校百名教学名师奖获得者 3 人,辽宁省高等学校教学名师奖获得者 11 人,博士生导师 388 人,兼职博士生导师 78 人,正高职人员 453 人,副高职人员 899 人。

2008 年 10 月,全日制在校学生 30780 人(博士生 3254 人,硕士生 8138 人,本科生 18968 人,预科生 60 人,外国留学生 360 人)。另有专业学位教育研究生 4872 人,独立二级学院(城市学院)学生 8471 人,继续教育学院学生 28962 人,研究生进修班学生 796 人。

DUT is also among the universities authorized by the State Ministry of Education in China to enroll overseas students. The university has set up a School of International Cultural Exchanges to take the responsibility for enrollment, education and management of international students. In order to further develop international friendships and promote the cultural and academic exchanges between people all over the world, this school takes overseas students from various parts of the globe. Now there are overseas students from more than 20 countries studying here, pursuing their bachelor’s or master’s degree or going through the Chinese language program. Through many years’ practice, the school has accumulated abundant experience in the area of teaching and management of overseas student programs, leading to the steady increase of the number of these students.


Since 2001 entrusted by the Japanese Appraisal Board of the Chinese Language, the SICE has started to administer the Japan-oriented Chinese Proficiency Test at DUT.

必修课程:入门班和初级班:精读(及语法)、听力、口语、汉字读写。 中级班和高级班:精读(及语法)、听力、口语、写作、阅读、文化。

1) 实行小班授课制(每班人数不超过20人),重视培养学生的语言实际运用能力。
2) 教学实践活动丰富。学院每个学期均举办汉语语言实践及留学生才艺表演活动。
3) 师资力量强,教学经验丰富,教学效果显著。


来校或登录 下载并填写《大连理工大学汉语进修生入学申请表》。

Contact Information
Contact Address: School of International Cultural Exchanges Dalian University of
     Technology Dalian, 116024, China
Person to Contact: Ms. Zhang Xian Mr. Zhang Lei
Telephone:    (86)-411-4708897
Fax:          (86)-411-4708897

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