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Home Living in China Study in China China Universities East China Normal University
East China Normal University
Colleges and Universities

East China Normal University is a key University directly under the auspices of the Ministry of Education. It is listed as a member of the “985 project” and “211 project” (National key University). The University is situated in the down town of Shanghai and is well known as a Garden University for its beautiful campus.

East China Normal University is a comprehensive and research University with strong faculty. It has 1,700 full time teachers, including 1,100 professors and associate professors. Covering the academic area of Science, liberal arts, management, engineering, law, education, philosophy, history and economy, The University now has 19 full-time schools, consists of 44 departments offering 61 undergraduate programs, 130 doctoral programs and 170 Master's programs, nearly 13500 undergraduates, 8900 post graduates and about 2700 long-term and short-term International students. 

华东师范大学创建于 1951 年 10 月 16 日 ,是以大夏大学、光华大学为基础,同时调进复旦大学和同济大学等院校的部分系科,在大夏大学原址上创办的新中国第一所社会主义师范大学。 1959 年华东师范大学就被确定为全国首批 16 所重点院校之一, 1978 年再次被确认为全国重点大学,是 1986 年国务院批准首批建立研究生院的 33 所高等院校之一。 1996 年通过 “211 工程 ” 预审并被列入国家重点建设大学行列。 2006 年教育部和上海市决定重点共建华东师范大学,学校在建设世界知名的高水平研究型大学的道路上迈出了坚实步伐。

学校师资力量雄厚,现有教职工 4,000 余人,其中专任教师 1,600 余人,教授及其他高级职称教师 1,200 余人;中国科学院和中国工程院院士 12 人(含双聘院士 6 人),国务院学科评议组成员 9 人,教育部 “ 长江学者奖励计划 ” 特聘教授、讲座教授 7 人,新世纪 “ 百千万人才工程 ” 国家级人选 5 人,国家杰出青年基金获得者 9 人,华东师范大学 “ 紫江学者奖励计划 ” 特聘教授、讲座教授 51 人,华东师范大学 终身 教授 96 人。全校有各类学生 49,000 余名,其中全日制在校学生 25,000 余名,包括全日制本专科生 13,000 余名,全日制研究生 7,700 余名(含专业硕士学位研究生),外国留学生 2,700 余名。

Programs Recommended

Chinese Language (Undergraduate Program)

Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Undergraduate and Master's program)

Chinese Language and Literature (Undergraduate Program)

International English/Chinese (Undergraduate Program)

Psychology (Undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral Program)

Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (Master's Program)

Public Service Administration (Undergraduate Program)

Tourism Administration (Undergraduate and Master's Program)

Curriculum and Theories of Teaching (Master's and Doctoral Porgram)

Preschool and Special Education (Undergraduate program)

Biological Technology (Undergraduate Program)

Biological Science (Undergraduate Program)

International Economy and Commerce (Undergraduate Program)

Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature (Undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral Program)

Optics (Master's and Doctoral Program)

Radio and Television Broadcast (Undergraduate Program)

Economics (Undergraduate and Master's Program)

Business Administration (Undergraduate Program)

History (Undergraduate Program)

Modern and Contemporary Chinese History (Doctoral Program)

Address:Room 200/204, Liberal Arts Building Zhongshan Rd.(N), Shanghai(200062), China.
Phone: +86 21 6223 2013 / 6223 8353
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