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Travel in Beijing
China Puppet Theater
Travel in Beijing

China Puppet Theater

China Puppet Theater (zhōng guó mù ǒu jù yuàn 中国木偶剧院) is an integrative entertainment place specialized in providing service for the teenagers and children. And it is the sole professional theater that mainly focused on the performance of puppet show. China Puppet Art Troupe (China Puppet Art Entertainment Center), which is subordinated to Beijing Municipal Culture Bureau, was built up and used in 1995. The theater covers an area of 5,000 square meters, and it sets 670 audience seats. The acreage of its accessory amusement construction is 800 square meters. The theater owns the advanced light and acoustic equipment and other professional equipment.

Dingling Tomb
Travel in Beijing


Ding Ling The splendid Ding Ling (dìng líng 定陵) is the mausoleum of the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yijun (Zhū Yì jūn 朱翊钧). He was known as Emperor Wanli (wàn lì 万历) after the self-proclaimed name of his ruling period. He ruled his great empire for 48 years, the longest reign in his dynasty. Historical documents reveal that the total cost for the tomb amazingly reached over 8 million taels (300 tonnes) of silver, which was approximately equivalent to the entire tax income for two years of then government. Ding Ling is only the third largest tomb after Chang Ling and Yong Ling. Its exquisite decorations, however, enormously surpass the other two. Most of the structure above the ground has disappeared except the Soul Tower. It is a magnificent building wholly made of stone and bricks, which may explains why it survived the centuries.

Songshan National Nature Reserve
Travel in Beijing

Songshan National Nature Reserve

Just a 90 minute drive from the capital of China lies the 11,500-acre Songshan National Nature Reserve (sōng shān zì rán bǎo hù qū 松山自然保护区). The rich biodiversity of this — the first national level nature reserve near Beijing — makes it a chosen destination for millions who want to experience nature.

Fa Yuan Temple
Travel in Beijing

The Fa Yuan Temple

The Fa Yuan Temple (Fǎyuán Sì 法源寺), situated in the southwest quarter of central Beijing in the Xuanwu District, is one of the city's most renowned Buddhist temples. In 1983, it was designated as one of national key temples in the areas of the Han nationality. Now, it is the site of the Chinese Buddhist Academy.

The National Art Museum of China
Travel in Beijing


The National Art Museum of China

The National Art Museum of China, or NAMOC (zhōng guó měi shù guǎn 中国美术馆) is located on 1 Wusi Ave, Dongcheng District of Beijing. It is one of the largest art museums in China. It covers an area of 30,000 square meters with its construction acreage of 17,051 square meters. And its exhibition halls are 6,000 square meters. The construction was started in 1958 and finished in 1962. It is one of the Great Ten Constructions to mark the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and also the largest art museum in China. After over one year's decoration, it was reopened on July 23, 2003.

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