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Ocean University of China
Colleges and Universities

Ocean University of China (formerly Ocean University of Qingdao) is a comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the State Ministry of Education, offering courseworks in the fields of Economics, Liberal Arts, Medical Sciences (Pharmaceuticals), Management, Law, Sciences, Engineering and Agronomy. Ocean University of China (hereinafter referred to as OUC) is located in Qingdao, a renowned summer resort and an attractive historic tourist city of scenic beauty and temperate climate, convenient with an international airport for direct flights to Japan, Korea and Hongkong, etc. 

The history of OUC can be traced back to 1924, when it was set up as the private Qingdao University. In 1959, it grew out of Shandong College of Oceanography and became one of the 13 "key" comprehensive universities in China in October 1960. In 1988, Shandong College of Oceanography was renamed for Ocean University of Qingdao with Chairman Deng Xiaoping's calligraphy for it. In 2002, the university was renamed for Ocean University of China.  

OUC has three campuses, Yushan campus, Fushan (Maidao) campus and Laoshan campus, respectively located in the city's downtown section and eastern hi-tech area. OUC consists of 22 colleges and departments that offer 131 programs conferring Master's degrees, 44 programs conferring Doctoral degrees and 7 programs for Postdoctoral research. There are over 20,000 registered students at OUC, including 4,500 Master's and Doctoral students and over 500 international students. Among the 2,300 faculty members there are many nationally and internationally recognized experts and scholars, 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 5 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Student orientation is the education philosophy of OUC, stressing the cultivation of the students' personalities and the development of their special skills and interests.

One of the major activities of OUC has been its extensive participation i international academic exchanges. Since 1950s OUC has begun to accept international students, and now has developed close cooperative relations with over 30 universities. It is also one of the universities that receives scholarship support for international students from the Chinese government.

OUC is now offering a vast range of programs to international students, including some tailor-made programs. Our programs, especially known for its high standards of teaching and considerate services have been attractive to students from all over the world. Many world-famous universities, such as the University of Cambridge of the U.K. and the University of Western Australia, have chosen OUC to conduct tailor-made courses for their undergraduate students. Each year there are more than 1000 international students from over 30 countries pursuing their Certificate/Diploma/Bachelor's degree/Master's degree/Ph. D. in our university.

The International Education Center (IEC) of OUC, staffed with over 20 members and facilitated with cars, buses and international students' houses, provides assistance with application, enrollment procedure, accommodation, social activities and trips, peer supports and other administrative affairs. The IEC warmly welcomes students from all over the world to come for study or for a visit. 

中国海洋大学概况 中国海洋大学是一所以海洋和水产学科为特色,包括理学、工学、农学、医学、经济学、管理学、文学、法学、教育学、历史学等学科门类较为齐全的教育部直属重点综合性大学,是国家“ 985 工程”和“ 211 工程”重点建设高校之一。校训是海纳百川,取则行远。

中国海洋大学的前身是私立青岛大学,始建于 1924 年。后经国立青岛大学、国立山东大学、山东大学等几个时期的变迁,于 1959 年发展成为山东海洋学院, 1960 年 10 月被中共中央确定为全国 13 所重点综合大学之一, 1988 年更名为青岛海洋大学,校名为邓小平同志题写。 2002 年 10 月经国家教育部批准更名为中国海洋大学。

学校现辖崂山、鱼山和浮山三个校区,设有22个学部及院(系),71个本科专业。现有8个博士后流动站,6个博士学位授权一级学科, 44个博士学位授权学科(专业),17个硕士学位授权一级学科点、131个硕士学位授权学科(专业),6大类硕士专业学位授权点,即工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、会计硕士、法律硕士、工程硕士(13个专业授权领域)和农业推广硕士(2个专业授权领域)。还具有高校教师(15个专业领域)、中职教师(5个专业领域)在职攻读硕士学位资格。学校有2个一级学科国家重点学科、10个二级学科国家重点学科(含1个培育学科)、7个教育部重点实验室、3个教育部工程研究中心,17个山东省重点学科、2个山东省工程研究中心、9个山东省高校重点实验室、3个青岛市重点实验室。国家海洋药物工程技术研究中心和联合国教科文组织中国海洋生物工程中心设在我校。还拥有2个国家基础科学研究和教学人才培养基地,1个国家生命科学与技术人才培养基地,1个“985工程”哲学社会科学创新基地,1个教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地,1个国家文化产业研究中心和3个山东省人文社会科学研究基地。学校拥有国家投资亿元,供教学、科研使用的3500吨级海上流动实验室——东方红2号海洋综合调查船。青岛国家海洋科学研究中心2006年6月已被科技部批准正式筹建。2006年9月28日,由教育部和国家海洋局共建,设在中国海洋大学的中国海洋发展研究中心揭牌运行。由教育部主管、依托中国海洋大学等青岛海洋研究优势单位联合建设的青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室建设方案已于2007年9月通过国家科技部组织的专家论证,标志着青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室已进入实质建设阶段。 



Course for International Students

1、Chinese Language and Culture Course

This course is taught in Chinese and provides different levels of study: Elementary Level (A), Elementary Level (B), Intermediate Level (C,D), and Advanced Level (E), offering the following courses: Intensive Reading, Spoken Chinese, Reading, Listening Comprehension, Chinese Culture, Chinese Writing, and Reading of Chinese Newspaper and Periodicals.

2、Undergraduate Program in Chinese Language

Compulsory courses include: Intensive Reading, Spoken Chinese, Listening Comprehension, Reading, Writing, Modern Chinese, Chinese Culture, Modern Chinese Grammar etc.

Selective courses include: Pronunciation Improvement Classes, News Listening, Newspaper Reading, Translation, Chinese History, Selective Reading of Classical Literary Masters, Business Chinese, Tourism Chinese, Modern and Contemporary Writer Research etc. The courses are taught in Chinese.

3、Chinese Business Program

The courses are as follows: Elementary Chinese, Chinese Culture, Business Basics in China, Marketing Management in China, Investment In China, Wu Shu and Tai Ji, Case Studies in Chinese Business, Seminars, Excursions. The courses are taught in English.

4、Summer Chinese Language Course

This is divided into Elementary Level, Intermediate Level, and Advanced Level offering the following courses: Comprehensive Survey of Chinese Language, Spoken Chinese, Listening Comprehension, Chinese Culture, and Reading. The courses are held in Chinese.

Activities: Laoshan Mountain tour, Sightseeing by boat, Visiting Qingdao Brewery and Lantern Festival etc. (Expenses are excluded)

5、Undergraduate Program

Chinese Language and Literature, English, Japanese, French, International Economics and Trade, Law, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Industry and Commerce Management, Tourism Management, Applied Mathematics, Information and Computational Science, Marine Chemistry, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Automation, Mechanical Design, Civil Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Aquaculture Science, Pharmacology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, Bio-technology, Ecological Science, Computer Science and Technology, Marine Science, Atmospheric Science, Marine Technology, Surveying Technology and Engineering, Geology etc. The courses are conducted in Chinese with international students and Chinese students.

6、Master's Degree Program

Chinese Language and Literature, English, Japanese, Finance, International Economics and Trade, Accounting, Tourism Management, Marketing, Law, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Aquaculture Science, Pharmacology, Food Science and Engineering, Geology, Biological Sciences, Biological Technology, Ecological Science, Marine Technology, Physics, Electronics and Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Marine Science, Marine Management, Atmospheric Science. The courses can be taught in either English or Chinese.

7、Doctoral Degree Program

Environmental Protection Law, Marine Environmental Management, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Marine Science, Atmospheric Science, Aquaculture Science, Pharmacology, Food Science and Engineering, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Marine Geology, Coastal and Offshore Engineering. The courses can be taught in either English or Chinese. 












开设课程: 第一学年 第一学期:汉语;英语;中国概况;商务汉语;商务英语;体育(太极)


第二学年 第一学期:汉语;英语;管理学原理;国际贸易理论;计算机基础;公共




第三学年 第一学期:汉语;英语;生产与作业管理;财务管理;项目管理;市场营




第四学年 第一学期:外贸函电;技术贸易;世界政治经济与国际关系;投资项目评








分初级班、中级班、高级班 授课语言为汉语
开设课程:精读、口语、 听力、阅读等


普通进修生:一至二年 (与中国学生同堂上课,授课语言为汉语)

1. 汉语言文学 2. 中国语言文学

3. 英语 4. 日语

5. 法语 6. 朝鲜语

7. 国际经济与贸易 8. 法学

9. 金融学 10.会计学

11.市场营销 12.工商管理

13.旅游管理 14.数学与应用数学

15.信息与计算数学 16.电子信息科学与技术

17.电子信息工程 18.海洋化学

19.化学 20.港口航道与海岸工程

21.自动化 22.机械设计制造及其自动化

23.自动化 24.土木工程

25.食品科学与工程 26.海洋渔业科学与技术

27.水产养殖学 28.药学

29.环境工程 30.环境科学

31.生物科学 32.生物技术

33.生态学 34.计算机科学与技术

35.海洋科学 36.大气科学

37.海洋技术 38.勘察技术与工程

39.地质学 40.电子商务

41.公共事业管理 42.行政管理

43.政治学与行政学 44.材料化学

45.勘察技术与工程 46.编辑出版学

47.通信工程 48.军事海洋学


1. 英语 2.日语语言文学

3. 外国语言学及应用语言学 4.金融学

5. 国际贸易学 6.会计学

7. 国际法学 8.环境工程

9. 环境科学 10.水产养殖学

11.药物化学 12.食品科学

13.地球化学 14.水生生物学

15.遗传学 16.生态学

17.物理海洋学 18.通信与信息系统

19.计算机应用技术 20.海洋地质

21.大气物理学与大气环境 22.计算数学

23.应用数学 24.声学

25.地图学与地理信息系统 26.气象学

27.海洋化学 28.海洋生物学

29.细胞生物学 30.流体力学

31.光学工程 32.工程热物理

33.防灾减灾工程及防护工程 34.港口及海岸及近海工程

35.应用化学 36.地球探测与信息技术

37.水产品加工及贮藏 38.捕捞学

39.渔业资源 40.生药学


8. 博士学位:学制三年(开设课程详见学校招生简章)

1. 物理海洋学 2. 气象学

3. 地图学与地理信息系统 4. 水生生物学

5. 水产品加工及贮藏工程 6. 环境科学

7. 环境工程 8. 水产养殖

9. 捕捞学 10.渔业资源

11.海洋生物学 12.海洋化学

13.海洋地质学 14.港口与海岸与近海工程 


Adds:No.5 Yushan Lu, Qingdao, China 266003

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